Saturday, July 31, 2010

Uncontrollable Urge Makes Me Want to Scream and Shout!

Dear Peepvo,
A VERY exciting Monday for Mommy and Daddy.  We went to see DEVO at The Vogue in Indianapolis.  Most people know DEVO by the song "Whip It" but you are already fond of many others.  While at the show you spent the day with your Wooby and Samantha going to the fair to see animals and to ride the carousel. 
-Lately we've been singing a few DEVO lyrics to you... "Uncontrollable Urge" laugh at the "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yea-yea, YEAH!" part and will often repeat it back.  Your little mouth doesn't move quite fast enough yet but you give it a good effort with a huge smile.  The show was amazing but that wasn't the really exciting part...
After the show we sat around while the equipment and light displays were taken down and waiting for the people to clear out and happened to sit down just as the band was sitting down to sign autographs on a long red bench at the side of the theater.  A long line configured around the theater and we just sat to the band... and I started talking to Mark Mothersbaugh!  You know him from Yo Gabba Gabba!  which admittedly I was for some odd reason more jazzed that he was from Yo Gabba Gabba! than the band DEVO? HUH? A clear sign I am in the trenches of motherhood! 

So, I asked him if he could deliver our boy at home a special message...and he did!  

It was so cool.  Turns out he is also a parent through adoption of two daughters!  I wish I had known this while we were there it would have been really cool to discuss our experiences.  Then our friends Mason and Johnny were DJ'ing the after party so we went and DEVO 
showed up too.  It was a small number of people but we and the band stayed until 2am and we hung out with Mothersbaugh quite a bit.  It was a lot of fun but the details will have to stay in oral and visual history until you're older.  Why am I telling you about this?  So someday when we are much older and you are reading this you will know that your parents are sort of cool.  We can't wait to take you to your very own DEVO show.  You will love it!  It was hard not to dance.
Love you, Mama

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That's so cool! And you ARE cool ( an adorable, dorky, knee-sock kind of way ;)

Oddly enough, we were just loafing in bed with D sinigng "Peek A Boo"!