Monday, January 11, 2010

Up on the Roof Top...Click Click Click

Dear Henry!
Christmas!  Daddy and Mommy were so psyched to have our first Christmas with you!  While at first our moods were tempered by the loss of Great Aunt Judy we promptly got in the spirit when we started handing out presents.  The three of us had a little celebration at home together.  The next morning we went to Grandma LaJean's and Great Grandma Hazel's for our traditional breakfast.  Then later that evening we went to Crappaw's and Grandma P's.  -More on that later.

We divvied out all the presents, admired our huge piles for the budget we maintained for so many goodies and started the opening.  

You were unsure at first of what to do.  We showed you on a couple of ours but then when we put a present in front of you there was a disconnect.  Instead of opening your own you would crawl to our stacks and take one of ours.  When we finally got you to leave your mits off of our presents you starting seeing that exciting things can come in these boxes and you were ready to start seeing what was inside.

Grandpa Tim couldn't be with us during Christmas but he wasn't going to let your first Christmas go by unnoticed.  He sent a huge box of goodies for us.  You loved peeking into the box and you saw the brightly colored activity package for you and went nuts pulling things out left and right.  You swung around the number cards and kept flipping them over because there were images on both sides.  I thought maybe you were making sure that when you turned it over the image didn't go away.  There were books there for the tub and everything.  Not to mention one of your most favorite type of books is the touchy feely books and you really enjoyed the Tractor book.  Grandpa Tim sent Mommy a new lens!  It is super awesome and I think he just wants to encourage me to take and post as many photos of you as possible.  Daddy got a new heater to stay warm.  You enjoy this too and try to shake it off of the table every chance you get.  

Mommy and Daddy had gathered a few things for you too.  We found this really cool gear thing.  You can arrange and stack gears and you push a button for a larger central gear and the board lights up and spins the main gear.  If you set it up correctly all of your gears spin.  You get great delight trying to pull gears off or put them on while it is still spinning.  You also enjoyed the vibrating truck.  You carry it around with you every day.  Finally, we got you a pounding bench.  It is shaped like a little bed with four worm head sticking up.  When you pound on one and knock it down another one pops up.  This sent you in to a frenzy of flying arms and squealing tones.  It has taken you a few days but you now seem to understand how to hit the worm on the head.  Some times you will just chuckle when I show it to you.  It is clear you think those little worms bright eyes and smiles are kind of cute.  Their cuteness does not keep you from wackin' the crap out of their heads however.  Mommy made you a stocking with your name on it.  Each year I plan to add something to the front of it.  You seemed to love the stocking.  

First you pulled out a little horse.  You waved him around in the air a bit but became distracted when you saw a bag of yogurt bites still snug in your stocking.  You grabbed them out and gave us a pleading face to open them quickly.  With yogurt bites melting on your tongue you were able to move on to the next thing some Christmas socks and a cute little book with a lovely accompanying CD.  You love them music on this CD and surprisingly Mommy and Daddy do to.  We listen to it at least once a day.  

Your favorite stocking gift was the little light that Mommy kept shutting off when it got to your mouth.  We played with this for quite a while.  As we looked at our booty strewn out across the room you went to the pile of boxes and paper.  We were not surprised as it has been previously established, you love boxes!

It was a great evening together.  It met all of our wildest dreams that a year ago we did not quiet yet know were about to come into fruition.  I think Daddy had the same thoughts that I had the entire time, "Is this real?!  Here we are with our coolest little boy!"   Daddy videoed nearly every second of it.

Love you baby Peep Peep,

You loved the paper and all of the boxes.

1 comment:

monica said...

Very very cute!! Where'd you find the worm whacky do hickey? I've seen those before, but don't remember where. Cole's favorite part was by far the crinkly wrapping paper, followed by Elmo Live. I love, love, love your blogs!! :)