Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow on My Hands

Dear Henry, 
The 26th and 27th of December brought LOTS of snow.  As cold as it was Mommy could not resist having you experience the snow for at least a couple of minutes.  So we took you outside of Crappaw and Grandma P's to sit on a towel on the porch, for like three minutes.  You liked being out in the cool air after being stuck in the house for a couple of days.  You usually do this.  When I take you out in the cool air you always smile at me a babble a little, then give it a minute or two and you start to look a little panicky as if to say, "Holy Cow MOM! IT IS COLD!"   You touched at the snow tentatively, checking it out.  Crappaw wadded you up your first snowball and put it in your hands.  You explored it with your mouth smiling and babbling a bit then throwing it down.  You sat there until Daddy rescued you and cuddled you up on his lap.

About the time Daddy was bringing you inside out runs cousin Johnny who just had enough time to search out his shoes, jacket and hat.  He looked bummed that he just made it so Mommy went and walked through the white woods with him.  It lasted 3 minutes exactly.  I know because I looked at the time stamp on the first and last photos I took of him.  Hahaha! I said it was cold!

It is always sweet watching your new assimilation to the world.  What a gift.
Love, Mommy

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