Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ikea, An Adventure

Dear Henry, 
We recently made the 2.5 hour haul to Ikea in Ohio to get your bookshelf.  Your library of books has grown and you needed a good place for them.  Anytime we go there we end up staying for HOURS!  I don't really know how it happens but the vortex of Ikea sucks you in mind, body and soul.  You have to eat their cute little meatballs and delicate little green princess cakes with cream and raspberry sauce.  We learned long ago one must eat before and after you shop there if you want to maintain any modicum of sanity for the subsequent two weeks from the experience.  We begin to shop and of course the cafeteria sits just outside of the children's section.  The finger puppets, toys, utensils, little tot beds, quirky lights and accouterments at low low prices for superb design and style render your ability to say no useless.  Daddy's Achilles' heel is the little room set ups and small square footage apartments.  The time we spend sitting in them and talking about what it would be like to live in them easily adds on an hour to the visit.  At this point you've began walking 4 or so steps on your own so you began to explored around the children's section with gusto.  You spun around in the little egg seat, went down the slide a couple of times and found your dream kitchen...which we plan to purchase next year for Christmas.  

Then you sat in each of the bitty butt room set ups exploring the toddler beds, lofts and lights.  There were ginormous bins of super soft stuffed animals.  As our cart went by the kangaroos with babies in their pouches Grandma LaJean called Papa and so we stopped. 

You went wild over these kangaroos.  You grabbed onto their arms and pulled them close nuzzling them with your mouth then quickly pushing them away with a giggle.  Mommy couldn't resist and she became one of those parents, yes, I stuffed you right into that large bin of kangaroos...only for a few minutes but you were in heaven! 

You also made faces with Daddy in the mirrors and enjoyed the weight and texture of the sheep skin on your head.

A new duvet cover, finger puppets, napkins, storage supplies, a shelf, and a set of curtains later it was time to head back to Indiana.  Mama and Papa were having a date night.  Yep!  So we dropped you off at Grandma P's and Crappaw's in Columbus on the way home.  We went out to see our friend Mason DJ and we boogied and had a LOT of fun.  

We missed you so and they brought you back the next afternoon so we could go to Max's 9th birthday party at Western Skateland.  I love that we can go to Ikea with you and you love it as much as we do.  You didn't get over stimulation, you didn't freak out, and you didn't get anxious.  You are such a good little trooper!

Love, Mommy 

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