Friday, December 4, 2009

Stand and Deliver

Dear Henry, 

Yesterday afternoon, 12:40, Mommy was trying to put you down and you shot your legs out under you like rockets while I simultaneously let go and alas you stood on your own!  Yep for about 5-7 seconds you stood wavering like a surfer catching a big one, your face glowing with excitement then you plopped back onto your butt.  When Daddy arrived home you did it again about 3 times!  You're a wonder boy.

Apparently, You have a few things you want to say because you are jumping up and down at my leg crying trying to get your hands on the keyboard.... here it is...The last thing you typed?  Mommmm mm  m mm   NO JOKE!  
xeejx  b cxdgm,rettfdfmnxx js

and you threw your head back and was done with it.
(Internets if you can make sense of it, let me know...)
Love, Mommy

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