Friday, March 6, 2015

Publishing Party

Dear Henny,
It has become apparent that one of your most treasuered times at school is when they host a publishing party for short books the students in your K/1 class have been authoring.  It is 20 minutes and perfect!  A wonderful idea I need to incorporate into my own classes one day.  So, we showed up and your beaming eyes were looking for us in the mass of other kids trying not to crowd the door while finding their other half.  You led us to a table flipping your book around in your hands and Hazel just is really excited to see a table of popcorn.  You were so proud to show us your recent non-fiction efforts about fish.  

Looking back to your last Publishing Party your book development is light years away.  You have lots of wonderful pictures and interesting descriptions!  Your organization is pretty awesome too.  I can't wait to see what comes next.  I love sharing the moments like this with you and Daddy.  Hazel was happy to go ask for some popcorn all on her own.  
As we were leaving and people were shuffling about a boy knocked over the pencils.  It wasn't your fault, it wasn't your doing and yet, you immediately stopped your trajectory, bent down and helped him pick them all up...a few seconds later another boy did the same.  I heard one of your teachers take notice and say, "Thanks Henry!"  It was one of our goals that you would become helpful to your class and others. 
I could only think, "Yep! He is at the right place with the right people."  Our babies, growing up.
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This post is just so beautiful! It is just so totally total, just as your beautiful family really is. Simply the best!

You must write a book!

Love you all, so much! My heart is full!