Sunday, March 8, 2015

Me Cat

Dear Hazelita, 
As if, AS IF! You couldn't be more cute than any person in the world can handle...but you started playing a little game in the car.  When we pick up Henry from school you start to MEOW, a long gentle shaky MEOOOOOW, until mama says, "Who is that!? Is there a cat in the car?"  Then you ask Henry to be a tiger.  He growls and I am to ask you to save me.  I ask you how old the cat is, you said 4.  Friday I asked you what is the cat's name.  You said, "ME!"  Thus, the name Me Cat was born.  When we hear your little, "MEOW!" we better respond or a tiger, bear or snake might get us.  A fun little game, as long as we play by your rules.  You creative lil thing.  Also, you are 2 years 6 months today.  Love, Mama

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