Sunday, December 30, 2012


Dear Hey-Zel, 
You are hungry all...of...the...time.  Each feeding you're eating at least 7 to 8 oz of formula and many times after about an half of an hour of finishing you want more.  It takes you about 30 minutes to get down one bottle this size, you do about 5 or 6 a day.  That is at least 2.5 hours a day I am spending just snugglin' and feelin' ya.  That's all nice but mama doesn't want you hungry so we added in cereal a couple of days ago.  
You are a great little eater!  Many babies have a hard time suppressing their tongue's urge to thrust forward and push the food out.  Not you!  You hardly barely do this once I put the food in, rather you swallow it away easily and seem to enjoy it.  So welcome to the food world sweet pea!  You've just passed one of your first milestones.
Love, Mama

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