Dear Henry,
Last week we took a trip over to J's neck of the woods for a much needed visit. We've bumped into each other several times over the summer but life and some health issues for J made it difficult to get us all in the same place at the same time. It was one of the best visits yet. When we arrived J and the boys were rounding around the corner and began to sprint to make it to us. We got out of the car quickly and she scooped you up. We played with the boys' toys for while and then jammed two car seats and a booster into Mama's small backseat. Then we went to get some food at BW3. J and I had gotten to chit chattin' and kept forgetting to look at the menu so we could order. The poor waitress came back at least 4 times before we were ready. Tommy and Uriah are so well behaved in a restaurant. Tommy readily shared his french fries with you. It was so sweet! Then we went to a really cool playground. It is shaped like a big castle with lots of different things to climb on and to play with.
Unfortunate for us, community service was out restaining and sealing the wood before winter. Even so, there were many areas we could still play on. You and Uriah enjoyed takin' turns driving the little car. Uriah is about to be three at the end of November and you and your bigself has almost passed up his size. It was cute seeing you play together. After the playground we went back to their house and played in the yard for about an hour. It was SO nice outside I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some more laughs with J and for you to play with the boys. You scooted around on one of the riding toys, getting brave you knocked yourself off of the curb and got your first road rash. Tommy kept jumping on me and the both boys were extra cuddly and sweet this visit. They are really growin' up.
Alas it was time to leave and as J was saying goodbye and you gave her a long awaited kiss and said, "I wuv ewe!" Her face turned bright red with excitement and we let Tommy bribe some more, "I wuv ewes," out by slippin' you an M & M. It was getting late so we had to get on the road. J gave you a little pumpkin to take with you. You have played so much with that pumpkin, rolling it around the yard and carrying it around the house in your little shopping cart. It was hard saying goodbye and my
heart startin' missin' them right away. It was so wonderful to see how great their lives are going right now. Mama is so grateful that J is your birthmom and my good friend. We all love you so much Henny.
Love, Mama
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Harmonica, Silver, Water and The 6PM News! Chicago Part 2 of 3
Dear Henry,
Day 2 of Chicago...
We dropped Dadoo off at work. The second he was out of the van you wailed all the way back to the hotel, all the way up to the room and in the room. I decided we would wait after we met Dadoo for lunch to do any venturing. So we checked out a movie at the front desk, "The Wizard of OZ." You piped down by the time Dorthy fixed her hobo basket and gathered up Toto to run away. You loved it! and made it just after the poppy field. You clapped, got excited, enjoyed the songs, called out monkey and as the yellow brick road first revealed itself you yelled out, "YELLOW!" Since we had stayed around until 10:30 in the room I decided to plan our adventure to give you as many new experiences as possible. We copied down the bus schedule from the front desk and gathered our junk to go. It as a three or four block walk to the bus stop where we sat and waited, and waited, and waited...and I thought, "I need to double check this stop." I asked a lady havin' lunch with a friend next to the building and we figured out that the hotel's recommendation was way off and not even running at that time of day. She kindly directed us up the street and around the corner and just in time we caught the bus which took us up front of Dadoo's building. You didn't mind any of the snags. You sat at the bus stop and played your harmonica. I'm surprised with all the looks, smiles and nods we didn't earn lunch money. It seemed fitting in the city to have your sound track drifting through the air mixing with the rattling of trains, the honkings of horns and sirens wailing. At the bus stop you learning the words bus and taxi.
After lunch we took our new bus knowledge and rode back toward the hotel. Halfway there on our left we saw tents and people so we hopped off at the next stop finding ourselves in front of the farmers market. It was nice enough but makes the Bloomington Farmers look ultra delux. We milled about people watching until you started shouting, "BEES!!!" Sure enough a vendor selling honey had a slab of honey comb complete with swishing bees at their table. We went up close, we stayed calm watching the busy workers, until an older lady with her bright red lips and a thick Polish accent started swatting at the bees around your head. As if Mama didn't see the bees she suggested. "we get away fast, there are bees everywhere." We left the table but it wasn't the bees the prompted it. So what to do next? I jumped on my cell phone looking at a map and decided we would walk to the art museum. I had seen that Thursday was a free day and was excited to go...Dadoo doesn't care much for art museums but I knew you would enjoy it.
On route we bumped into Millennium Park just before the museum and as we turned a corner through the park the big silver bean sculpture was smack dab in our faces.
As we grew closer I decided I needed to release you from the the stroller and let you run up to it. Exited by the people, birds and sculpture you danced your way closer. Throwing your hands up to touch the side and to look at yourself you started inching your way down to the edge as if you were going to crawl under it.
Your favorite thing was to dip your head in the water over and over again. I sat back a minute looking around at the city, our experience, at my boy and again my heart swelled more. You smacked your head into the water flipping it back up quickly and looked at me with a big smile your hair wet your clothes soaked and I realized this was one of those moments I'd put in your pocket for safe keeping.
I checked my cell phone for the time and figured we better make it back to pick up the van to get Dadoo.
So the end of day two...injury two...Chicago is a hit!
Love, Mama
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Lip Gloss is Cool, My Lip Gloss is Poppin'
Dear Peep-o,
Turns out a major priority these days is totally smoochy lips since you've learn to pucker your kisser. Since I was about 10 I believe, tradition has dictated that every Christmas Bahboo and Grandma P gift me Bonnie Bell, Lip Smackers (the smoothest formula by far) or some other fruity, flavored, heavily scented lip gloss intended for 12 year old girls. Every year I use them and they always gradually make their way into the middle drawer in the bathroom. The same drawer where I keep my retainer I stopped wearing at 17, all of my old awkward glasses and disinfectant for contact lenses for which I'm too lazy to maintain using.
When Mama has a tube in the car. I put it on my lips and then yours as I strap you into the car seat. You purse your lips together and jut your little chin out to make your face available for a good waxy coating. Sometimes I'm not fast enough and you try to bite a little taste off. Ewe! Recently you caught me getting a tasty grape skittles tube and the jig was up!
You can open the bathroom door so nothing stops you from breaking away when I'm not looking and grabbing as many as you can, ripping off the caps and trying them all on. I love your little hoarding hands grasping them all close to your slightly hunched over body jonesin' for a Very Berry Christmas or perhaps a Dr. Pepper lip fix. As I approach you scramble even faster with a clutch even C4 couldn't break.
The flavors you really like end up with a baby finger shoved into them digging out a scoop that ends up in your mouth all over your teeth. After a few weeks chasing you out the bathroom I decided to get them all out and throw out the expired ones hoping to narrow it down to five easy to keep track of, only to discover I am just as attached to their allure. I had about 40 stockpiled up! Slightly reduced in numbers I let you try as many as your heart desired then I put them all away in top of the linen closet before I have a strawberry surprise make it in the washer and dryer all over the clothes. As you tried one you would then gently smear some on mine. Your lips had so many layers on them I really enjoyed your greasy smiles. Now I pull one out each day for you to try. You squeal a little when I take them back but you seemed to be okay with it. These photos could be better but you're hard to catch when you think I'm going to take something away. I love your persistence.
Love, Mama
Turns out a major priority these days is totally smoochy lips since you've learn to pucker your kisser. Since I was about 10 I believe, tradition has dictated that every Christmas Bahboo and Grandma P gift me Bonnie Bell, Lip Smackers (the smoothest formula by far) or some other fruity, flavored, heavily scented lip gloss intended for 12 year old girls. Every year I use them and they always gradually make their way into the middle drawer in the bathroom. The same drawer where I keep my retainer I stopped wearing at 17, all of my old awkward glasses and disinfectant for contact lenses for which I'm too lazy to maintain using.
You can open the bathroom door so nothing stops you from breaking away when I'm not looking and grabbing as many as you can, ripping off the caps and trying them all on. I love your little hoarding hands grasping them all close to your slightly hunched over body jonesin' for a Very Berry Christmas or perhaps a Dr. Pepper lip fix. As I approach you scramble even faster with a clutch even C4 couldn't break.
Love, Mama
Friday, October 15, 2010
Oh! Windy City, You Blew Us Away! Part 1 of 3
Early last month Dadoo was called to Chicago to attend a regional work meeting. We were able to tag along. While Dadoo worked all day we ran around Chicago having an exciting time. Lucky us! Chicago! It felt sad not having Dadoo there to share in the experience but I am so grateful we had those three days together in the big city. I decided we'd have some big adventures just bummin' around rather than spending a lot of money to enter the museums. After all, without Dadoo the expected excitement of the Science and Industry, the awe of the aquarium, the creepiness of the Museum of Natural History or the creative juices of the art museum would feel empty and bland. To our fortuitous bliss the weather was 92 and SUNNY! A fluke but for us a blessing, days before our arrival it was quite cool and the day we left rain, winds and chill prevailed. So our impromptu itinerary...
Day 1, We dropped Dadoo off at the federal building just after noon with hugs and kisses. Swept away in the Chicago traffic we checked in at the Amalfi hotel. The ultra modern lobby was really exciting to you and your hands had to touch the glass water feature by the check in desk. We entered the room and you were jumpin' around, checkin' things out, pulling open doors and peepin' out the window. We needed to change your clothes because the weather was so great and I laid you on the bed. You sunk into the plumped up pillows, sighed and said, "Sleep!" You've never said the word sleep before so I figure you thought this was a pretty dreamy bed. A call from the front desk to remind us to, "go park our car already," and poopie in your pants gave me reason to hurry to gather our things to go. Luckily the hotel's parking was in a very spotable building, Marina City apartments and offices, the only white round buildings in a climbing zoo of shining glass rectangles. I decided this was a prominent enough compass to guide ourselves back to the hotel so I set out on foot, you by stroller. In about 60 seconds, "BAM!" your mind exploded from all of the new input. Perched forward on the edge of your stroller we crossed a draw bridge pausing to look at the water and boats passing below. Your finger couldn't point fast enough and you couldn't get out words or sounds...then boat!, water!, OH! OH! breaks through. We hoofed it along the river down to Navy Pier. Eh, Navy Pier, not such a big deal, except for Garrett's Popcorn the Chicago mix, a
large sailing ship pushing off, birds pickin' up the popcorn you dropped, funny mirrors and lots of water to look at. You loved it!
I was worn out from the four hour drive, the walk and the heat so we spotted a water taxi. For 4 bucks we were able to ride it nearly all the way back to the hotel. This being your first time on a boat your excitement was electric as was your apprehension. Clearly, my Henry is a confident dude so you hopped around until the motor went into gear, pulled into the river and with the visual space before us I said, "Henny, look up! Look at the tall buildings. Wave at all the people in the windows." You craned your neck back and said, "OHH!" and started to wave. I tried to scoot you over a bit so I could get a photo of you but still looking around you'd shuffle your buns back to my side, spotting things you knew the name of while wadding the corner of my sweater into your sweaty hand or patting my knee.
The bridges really made you perk up and your eyes widened as we passed under them. I looked at your sparkly brown green eyes, synapses firing, one hand waving, the other clutching. AND...
TINK! just like that, a rough edge I didn't know I had chipped off from my heart, lofted overboard and seesawed through the water to the river bed, settling there permanently. I am your Mama, clearly your Mama and you feel safe with me. I took a deep breath away from the city panic and inhaled the entirety of the moment the best I could. My dreams of a little buddy materialized in a river taxi in Chicago. I had anticipated time together in Chicago was going to be a treasure (a word you started saying in Chicago). The boat stopped and I snapped out of la la land when I had to carry your stroller with you, a full diaper bag and the jumbo sized popcorn up two VERY long, steep rises of steps. It was time to pick up Dadoo. Returning to the hotel we rested a little while you arranged the shoes in the window.
Then we met Stacy and Kevin, a couple of Chicago friends for dinner. After eating we returned to our hotel room and chit chatted and laughed at your antics until Mama got the idea to put you in the free robe. You tripped and fell on the fancy modern cabinet handles that stick out a couple of inches into the room. You cut the corner of your eye on it, gushing blood and crying hard. We were all a little freaked but the blood stopped, Stacy had Neosporian handy in her purse, and you were back to playing but it was clearly time for bed. End of day 1!
Love, Mama
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
McCormick's Creek 2nd Music and BBQ
Dear Henry,
We attended Corey's McCormick's Creek 2nd annual bbq and music day. Sam and the kids came along and we met up with Lily and her family. It was a beautiful day and Corey had a good turn out. This year you really enjoyed lookin' at the classic cars. You quickly took to a butter yellow Corvair truck. So cool! You loved sitting in the cab, trying to steer the large wheel and running around in the back while Ruby slipped you potato chips. We also spent a good half hour in the really nice nature center where you identified examples of snakes, turtles and deer. You ran around the puppet theater and Ruby put on a little puppet show.. Lily zonked out and so did you the minute we got in the van to leave. It was fun.
Love, Mama
We attended Corey's McCormick's Creek 2nd annual bbq and music day. Sam and the kids came along and we met up with Lily and her family. It was a beautiful day and Corey had a good turn out. This year you really enjoyed lookin' at the classic cars. You quickly took to a butter yellow Corvair truck. So cool! You loved sitting in the cab, trying to steer the large wheel and running around in the back while Ruby slipped you potato chips. We also spent a good half hour in the really nice nature center where you identified examples of snakes, turtles and deer. You ran around the puppet theater and Ruby put on a little puppet show.. Lily zonked out and so did you the minute we got in the van to leave. It was fun.
Love, Mama
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Tumble for Ya, I Tumble for Ya, I Tumble for Ya, I Tumble for You!
Mama tries to stay abreast the free or low cost opportunities in our community for little squeaks like yourself. One of our jack pot hits has been the local gymnastic centers here in Bloomington; Rising Star and Bloomington United Gymnastics Center. For 4 or 5 bucks I can take you to play, depending on which day we choose to go, anywhere from an hour to two hours. It is great because there are other kids your age playing too, making it the perfect opportunity to practice turn taking, waiting, and sharing. Each play time we meet up with either Heather and the twins and/or Brook and Lil'. This doubles, or should I say quadruples the fun. You meander between trying to play with other kids to goin' way off to the opposite side of the room to check out how the uneven bars screw together or the support beam fits to the wall. One favorite activity seems to be running down the tumbling mat because it makes your legs feel rubbery and your body feel weightless.
To Mama's delight each session ends with participants gathering around to play with the parachute! AH! The first time you fell all over it and kind of ruined it for the other kids. Mama was sad about that but you had been there an hour and a half and were pretty much at your tolerance limit for others and just being awake in general. Then when the bigger parachute came out at later sessions you started helping with lifting the sides but you still quickly lose interests when you figure out how cool it is to be underneath the chute as it floats back to the floor.
Gym time makes for a great day. We play, you run off energy and sleep a sound nap when we return home. The added bonus is Mama gets to talk to adults. I love getting to play like a kid all day. I especially love doing so with you!
Love, Mama
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