Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fun at Farmer's Market

Dear Henry,
Deck building on and off for two weeks has gotten me WAY behind on my letters to you.  Just in case you were worried you are still alive and okay during the month of June.  While Mommy was super motivated during deck building I pooped out the last two days I haven't had something consistent to do... so...the next few posts will be pre-haircut while I catch up.  It is kind of painful, even though I know you're much more comfortable sans long curls in the heat, 97 today, I look at your "old" photos and twinge a little.
So let's start with our summer farmer's market Saturday's... 
We've been making it out to the market just about every Saturday this year.  We don't buy anything really other than a tamale and strawberries every week.  Daddy holds you a lot as we get our look-sees in, occasionally stopping and letting you down to dance and listen to music.  One week the popular kids musicians had a big bird with them.  You were getting dangerously close to her tail.  We weren't fearful of the bird or the bird you but rather the massive amount of poo the bird was consistently dropping.  Needless to say we made you take some steps back.  
We often see many people we know including David and Kate, Auntie Carrie.  

Usually just as we make it out of the tamale line our friends who live parallel lives, Mike, Megan and Devo get in line for their tamale.  It is a nice time, sitting and eating.  We chit chat for a while and you two boys stare at each other.  

We part ways and if the fountain is running we let you go and play in it a while.  

Then we drag your soakin' wet butt to the car.  As Daddy carries you he takes his arm from around your waist because he loves how you'll reach around and drape it back around his waist.  You are spent at this point and we get home just in time for you to drift off for a couple of hours.  
We often have to carry your sweaty sleepin' body into the house.  It is a weekly tradition I always enjoy.
Love, Mamacita

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carter and Jack have played in that fountain too--what a blast! These are the days my friend, these are the days. AMW