Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm A Travelin' Baby All Over the World, Well The Midwest...

Dear Henry,

A few weekends ago we received a last minute invite to our friends Amie and Tim's in Dayton, Ohio for a deck party. We didn't have anything to do that night, Mommy was looking forward to taking you to Young's Dairy, the Andrel's had yet to meet you and it was time for Amy and Mike to see you again so we jumped in the van and made a whirlwind trip over to Ohio.

First we stopped by Joe, April and Willie's to say hello. Mommy is unsure why she didn't take a photo there?! I think it was because Mommy was most likely busy with Willie showing me around and watching him demonstrate how each of his toys work. It was a really nice visit and April had ran out to buy me some lilies for mother's day. How sweet was that! I wish we had more time to visit but it was getting late and we needed to get over to Tim's, Joe's brother.

Tim and Amie anxiously awaited our arrival and like gracious hosts offered plenty of awesome
pasta salad, Capri Suns (Mommy's favorite) and hot dogs as our reward for the trip. Amie reads our little blog so she was really excited to give you some super squeezes. She was excitedly awaiting the arrival of her little nephew due any day. You decided to hang out on the special flannel blanket she had made you on their newly remodeled deck. Tim turned the fan on your face and you were in heaven. You threw your arms out and arched your back like you were a bird flying effortlessly.
Your little curls blew about and you starting doing your screamin' grunt and continued for quite a long time. Mommy and Papa were able to visit for a while then it was apparent you were getting sleepy so we decided to head to our hotel.

You loved your second hotel experience almost more than the first. You played in and out of the pillows for a good half hour and the next day when we took you to the pool and hot tub you kicked around with a smile pasted on your face.

Daddy and I gave you a bath in the sink got dressed and drove to Yellow Springs to go to Young's Dairy.

Young's is a really cool place where they make ice cream and cheeses from goats and cows right there on the farm. You can have lunch and dairy treats then hea
d to barns to pet and feed the animals. They also have many other activities you can do with the kids like a big jumpy thing and play area, hay rides and pumpkins in the fall, putt putt and a little train ride. You were still too small for all of those things but you did get to experience a couple of bites of ice cream and you pet some of the goats. Amy and Mike were great as always and we had a nice visit.

They called their friends to meet us who have also have two boys through open adoption. We had a great conversation about our experiences but it was hard for the oldest to stay put with so much fun going on around him so he pretended to ride on the tractors near by while the old people talked.

We said our good byes a little earlier than we might have because it was SO hot I am nearly certain you were melting into Papa's arms and my feet and face were slowly dripping into puddles. We made the long ride home and hit the hay as soon as we got in.

It was a quick but fun trip.

Love, Mama

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