Thursday, December 4, 2014

Toofie Toots

Dear Henny, 
Since just before your 5th birthday your mouth has been under construction.  You've lost five teeth!  First fell your bottom 4, ole number 1 made its appearance at 19 weeks.  

Two of the bottom have been replaced by some bigger teeth your little boy mouth can hardly contain, crowding out number 3 and evicting number 4, which we sadly lost on the car floor and before looking for it I took the rare occasion to vacuum my car...poor toothy.  No worries.  You had yet to put 1-3 (and 4 in spirit) under your pillow because I had not finished the tooth pillow you designed and requested I make.  When number 5 started hinging straight out I got off my butt and finished off tooth dino-dragon and you placed three safely inside.  Sometime in the middle of the night I heard a, "AAGGA!"  This was soon followed by, "YES!" proceeded by foot steps down the hall proclaiming, "The tooth fairy came!"  We read the note to you and you were excited over the 2 dollar bill, and the dollar coin and that your tooth fairy was notified by the car wash place and retrieved number 4 and left an additional dollar bill.  The note was signed, Wanda!  Such excitement this brought you.  When you returned from school I asked if you told anyone and you said you did, even both lunch ladies!  This morning number 5 was barely hanging in there and before leaving for school we HAD to get it out.  You readied the toothfloss and the remote control car and I tied it on...and one, two....three! POP! It flipped to the floor. Done.  

At the grocery this evening you told the young check out guy, "I lost my tooth, see!"  He said, "Cool little dude."  I asked him what his tooth fairy's name is...and you piped up, "Mine is Wanda."  He said his was always anonymous.  So, tonight you cozied it away, being thoughtful, you left it at the edge of your bed and pillow.  A new note awaits you as does a two dollar bill.  Hopefully this part won't be disturbing to you because while you're learning to read, by the time you're capable of reading this post it won't spoil anything...but I am in fact Wanda the tooth fairy.  Wanda was a name Bahboo use to call me.  I don't know why, he just did.  I think it means he thought I was a lil wacky.  This is a fun little game and I am sorry that "Wanda" was busy and didn't come sooner, but at this rate your teeth are going to keep coming and you'll have a big boy mouth in no time.  For now, I enjoy the goofy lil face you have with your lil smile.  

I showed you the other two pictures and you thought you looked pretty goofy, too.  You cracked yourself up for a few solid minutes. At dinner tonight you were talking and I nudged Daddy...just too much cuteness. I took a mental snapshot.

I love you growing boy.
Love, Mama

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