Sunday, September 8, 2013

Today Hazelita is 1

Dear Sweet Hazelita,
Today you are one!  What! I know!  I can't believe it either.  We are having a little party at our house today at 3.  It rained last night.  There was no rain on the radar for Sunday all there is. Let's hope our 70% chance of no rain or thunderstorms beats out the 30% possibility.  Mommy has a pinata for you.  We spent an hour trying to throw the string over the super high tree branch yesterday.  I woke up this morning and my throwin' arm wasn't tryin' to move!  I was so close each time.  It would hit the branch or be about a foot short.  I waited for Bahboo, who took one throw and got it over.  I don't care.  I just wanted it to be there.  We are picking up tamales and lots of friends and family are going to make it!  Including your birth mama, WW!  She hasn't been to the house before so we are super excited.  We haven't been able to have a real visit since the IAC picnic.  We did stop in and see her at work one day.  We are so happy that things are going so much better for her in a years time.  She has a job, the cutest most perfect house and a nice boyfriend. A year ago we got the text about this hour that WW was in hard core labor.  We all jumped up, got ready quickly and on the road.  Henry had lots of questions about you and bringing you home, little dude had no idea that it would flip his world so much.  Sometimes he laments about the "old days when it was just us."  

Our last picture just the three of us.  Look at Henry's excitement!

Look at the poor Henry's shock.
I know he loves the heck out of you though when he designs tasks that would be "good for your therapy", picks you up out of harms way or declares an amazed, "HAZEL!  What are you doing!"  when you bust out a new skill.  ....We made the hour plus drive in 45 minutes.  Just in time to see your placenta hitting the table!  ( I will show you the picture someday) 
You were the sweetest cuddle monster from the start.  You ooze gentle love from every nook and cranny, ever strand of hair, every explosive smile.  You love your brother more than anyone, squealing laughter and attacking him whenever you can.  This year you've worked hard for almost 4.5 months in occupational and physical therapy bulkin' up those muscles to struggle to crawl effortlessly, pull up, feed yourself, play with toys and play drum on Henry's back.  
You should have your glasses on here, but you constantly pull them off now.
You love to be in the middle of things trying to do what we are doing.  I especially love when you sort laundry, tossing it to and fro, sorting and passing to me with such a serious work face.  You're so amazing.  I start to fall asleep at night but am distracted by the need for one more of your smiles, one more of your hugs.  You became a part of our lives so quickly, so unexpectedly, so gently that I am total disbelief at times.  We love WW.  We love that you are a part of her, and you are a part of us.  Forever grateful and humble. 
Now let's have a sensational day birthday girl!
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Wendy Hardy said...

What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it with us.