You are amazing. I already knew this but you've really stepped things up in recent months. You've become such a caring and helpful big brother. You find so many ways to make Hazel flip out squealing and laughing. You've also really taken on chores lately that impress me. Often you remind me to take out the trash and when you get home from preschool on Tuesdays you run out (sometimes without me asking) bring the cans back up to the garage. The other day you wanted some ice cream and I gave you four tasks to do when you were ready... bring up the trash cans, pick up some sticks in the yard, fill the water up in the fountain and pick up your laundry and put it in the hamper. You came in and rested a bit then I was looking for you... I look out the back window and see you walking from the side yard to the back wood pile with a handful of sticks.
You came out of the laundry room, returned to the front and turned off the hose and walked to the driveway and pulled up the trash cans and recycling.
I was so impressed! You organized your work load and had it all completed in 15 minutes!
I felt a lot of pride and I took pictures out the window. The other day I looked at the living room and said, "Man we need to get this straightened up so we can have dance time when Daddy gets home." I went in the other room to change Hazel. I came back to find you had picked up all the toys and books and put the in the toy box. You were sitting on the couch waiting for dance time. !!!
You offer to help, you do things to be a part of how the house works without being asked and you do a great job. Man! I am a lucky Mama for so many reasons. My workin' buddy!
Love, Mama
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