Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sweetie Pie, Honey Bunch

Dear Hazelita, 
My little socialita.  You love being near people and are so readily loveable.  You are also very sweet and if someone is talking to you or playing with you they are likely to feel the softest buttery tiny fingers rubbing their arm.  I love when we sit close, like right now as I type, your left hand is rubbing my arm and leg intermittently while reaching to your limits to try and take over my keyboard.  You are really working hard on using your hands and pushing up.  We are starting to make some progress here and there.  Our goal this week is to work on pushing up on all fours and lifting a hand while maintaining the position.  Yesterday evening we were all playing out on the lawn and I went to put a ball away and as I walked back you did the best you could and lifted that sweet pudge of a hand and waved at mama.  

Yes!  I loved this!  A couple of nights ago Daddy came into the living room and I was holding you.  You waved at Daddy and said, "HI! DADA!" What!  Soon you'll be repeating this regularly.  I adore that you're a little love bug.  I hope you always want to reach out to Mama.  It is such a gift.  Love, Mama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hazel always watches you, Steven and Henron, so sweetly and intently. You can see the admiration and love in that sweet little face. It's matched, only, by your reflections!