Monday, August 27, 2012

The Perfect Evening

Dear Peepso, 
The last two weeks there have been visits to Suckstown and Happyburg in Babyville.  Just after returning from a wonderful three day family trip to St. Louis, Missouri during August 2-5 many things started happening rapidly (posts to come).  We went to an appointment with WW and things were looking like baby girl could come early.  We were all worried and spent a long day at the doctor's for monitoring and a trip to the hospital for monitoring of semi-regular contractions, some effacement, 2cm dilated and a steroid shot that left WW's bum less than happy.  With relief, things stayed put and by the following Thursday there were no further changes.  We had our match meeting that went awesome.  Then, we got word that Steve's grandma Hazel, GG, was getting weaker and the decision was being made to call in hospice.  We spend the week with her and said goodbye on that Friday.   About the same time Daddy's Aunt Kelli, age 44, was loosing her battle with cancer in California.  A super tough two weeks in our family.  Luckily after we returned home from GG's we had a wonderful evening with Aunt Krispie and Aunt Currie.  We got some hot dogs and no dogs and marshmallows, lit a fire in the fire pit and had a great time together around the fire talking about the tests and sadnesses of the previous week. 
I love these women.  You do too.  Glad they live so close.  We are fortunate for that.
Love, Mama

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