Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Thompson's are Bouncing Back.

Dear Buddy, 
Daddy finished up therapy and made it home in 7 days.  The first week he slept most of the day but really tried to hard to eat well and get some play/connection time in with you each day.  You worked your robot puzzle with him at the kitchen island, and Daddy struggled to keep his eyes open.  He had been through so much in the last two months without much solid sleep at all.  By week two he was sleeping less and we ventured out for some meals.  The second half of week two home we went to the Children's Museum for a few hours to see how his stamina is building.  He did well but was pooped on the way home.  You said you were happy to have Daddy with us.  You started back to school week 2 and after a few tears at parting you went on with your day playing with friends, painting pictures and singing songs.  You don't want to be away from us and alert if we talk about you sleeping in your room or going to your grandparents.  The last 4 days Daddy hasn't had to nap at all during the day and was able to get a few things completed on his computer for your up coming birthday party while building up strength for the coming week of work, which is primarily by computer .  
Yesterday we had a movie adventure set to watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3D.  With popcorn and monster soda in hand you watched standing at your seat occasionally plunging your face or fist into the popcorn bag, as if we never feed you. You did very well until I had to go to the bathroom about an hour in, you couldn't settle back down after that and we went to the the craft store while Daddy and our friend Oliver watch the rest of the movie.  You've been on a snack kick and spotted something at the "cafeteria" and couldn't get your mind off of them.  We loved hearing you shout out, "Hey! There's R2D2." and, "WOW! That's cool!"  This was a special day to share with our boy, even if we didn't get to finish it and even if we REALLY dislike Jar Jar St(B)inks.
Tomorrow Daddy starts back to work for a few hours.  I am SO happy about his recovery.  Sad that it ends the time we all get to spend our days together as a family, yet anxious for things to feel normal and well again.

On the way to school this week as we passed the area where the bird swooped down you said, "Hey! This is where we saw that bird."  We asked you if he went home to his nest with his babies and you said, "Uh huh, he is better now."
Love you Peep, 

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