Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reuniting at Great Auntie Linda Lou's and Uncle John's

Dear Peepso,
When Mama's Aunt Linda; a domestic goddess of decor, food and hospitality sent me an e-mail asking if we would be able to join them for a pre-Christmas dinner with my cousins David, Nora and Margaret and their partners and kids we had no other choice than to say yes!  You were able to meet Nora and her husband David's little boy Owen.  You were quick friends and skittered up and down the hall, messed with the Christmas lights, played with a train set and squealed late into the night.  We played a dirty Santa gift exchange.  Daddy ended up with a mustache comb, appropriate since he was in fact the only one with a beard.  I ended up with a designer Lush Bust cream to enhance the bust line.  I have yet to try it out.  We had a nice dinner and Auntie Linda had a couple of thoughtful treats just for you.  
When we returned home Sunday evening and you were readying for bed you said, "I am grateful for Auntie Linda tonight." I said, "Yeah, that's really nice." You said, "She gave me milk at the table and has that little boy Owen at her house."  
It is a wonderful thing to reconnect with family that you've not seen in a long while.  I am glad that you are a part of that too.
Love, Mama

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