Friday, December 16, 2011

A Little Stressed Fella

Dear Henny, 
This has been a little bit of a difficult week for you.  Your Daddy has been a little out of commission.  What started out as a little bit of a cold has turned into severe pneumonia.  Daddy is never sick and for him to get sick with severe pneumonia is a very bad thing.   You and I can trudge through a nasty cold or whatever but Daddy just keeps on feeling awesome.  So when you saw Daddy just hanging out in the living room this week being pretty quiet and not playin' like you're accustomed you started showing signs of stress like not wanting to stay at school, staying close and loving on Mama, and lashing out with full on intense tantrums out of the blue.  Well, we had to take Daddy to the hospital on Wednesday at about 2 am.  Breathing became very difficult.  He seems to be getting the appropriate treatment and while you're hot tubbing with Bahboo and Grandma P he is trying to get some gunk coughed up so you can get home and on a normal routine and play time again.  I am not gonna sugar coat it though, Daddy is very sick.  Because of his spinal cord injury coughing is not an easy thing for him to do so the stuff sits and makes things worse.  Thought you don't know exactly what's going on you know something is up.  You've been refusing to go to sleep for example.  The night before we went to the hospital Daddy wanted to stay up so when I tried to get you to go to bed you refused. 

I tried all my tricks and you weren't going for them.  You kept grabbing this or that and telling me, "I need to take this to Daddy, he needs it, I need to tell him (xyz), Daddy needs to come to bed...This potato chip will help Daddy's lungs to breathe."  It wasn't until I picked you up and made Daddy tell you it was okay to go to sleep that you went directly in to flop down and to fall instantly asleep at 12:30 AM. We don't know how long this illness is gonna take to kick, but Daddy was in good health before and he will be ready to play around again soon.  
Love, Mama 


Bumble's Bounce said...

Threw pennies in the fountains at Longwood Gardens tonight... It's a pretty magical place:). Wishing on stars for a speedy recovery and for you and Henry to have all the support you need during such a difficult time.

Amie said...

Lisa I hope Steve gets feeling better soon! We will be praying for you and your family!