Bloomington Bike Project and One Little Henny's Cool Ride
Dear Wheels,
After finding a cool, tuff green, 12" bike at a thrift shop costing 7 bucks you were excited about having a pair of wheels. We brought it home and put it in the drive for Daddy to see when he came home. He immediately posted a picture on facebook to announce how long the wait in his life had been to see the glorious sight of a boys bike perched out front in the driveway waiting to find some trouble around the neighborhood. There are only three little girls that we've seen in the immediate streets around ours, while there are at least 8 boys all in the 2-3.5 year old range. Believe me, we expect a bike gang to take over Blue Ridge with in the next decade.
Well, the bike needed a little work so on Saturday we took it to the Bloomington Bike Project. The Bike Project is a non-profit, volunteer driven program where you can volunteer and earn a bike, come to fix your own bike, or go for help fixing your bike for a donation.
We were hoping to pick up some training wheels and to get new tubes in your tires. You loved looking around at the parts laying around, the people working on the bikes, identifying the tools and watching your own bike get worked on. In less the 15 minutes you were all fixed up. Unfortunately we will have to return the training wheels, they were too big for your bitty bike. This doesn't diminish your desire to play with your bike and soon enough you'll be riding like a pro. Can't wait!
Love, Mama
Sorry for yelling!
My advice is to take off the pedals, take off the training wheels and turn it into a balance bike.
I'll try and post video of Anthony riding his bike soon. It really is the best way to learn the hardest part of riding a bike. Then you put the pedals on and they are riding like a pro!
I've never seen a bike that size before, cool! Keep us posted on his progess.
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