Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Preparations

Dear Peep A Claus, 
The preparations for Christmas this year have gone smoothly.  Santa sent word that your behaviors the last 12 months have been over all great so that means presents are on their way.  Yes, that means we aren't counting the recent episode at the post office.  Mama and Daddy have finished their shopping for each other.  Every year the labels we stick to one another's packages are almost as important as the present inside.  Our tree is decorated mostly at the top as you are in love with taking the ornaments off and on.  So the only decorations this year are plastic shiny silver snowflakes from Aunt Judy (been gone a year today), a snowman handcrafted by you, and our couple of special ornaments.  JMom would be proud to see the angel holding onto a heart that reads, "believe!" front and center.  
 She gave it to you last year.  Mama asked you tonight what you wanted Santa to bring you.  At first you said a sucker and followed up with drums.  Thatta boy!  I wanted to post some photos tonight.  The holidays can make us miss those we love and can't be with for whatever pile of reasons but it doesn't mean we aren't thinking of them.  After all, it was Dec. 25th at 5:35 pm three Christmas' ago that we received the best present ever, a call from J, your birthmom, telling us that she believed that we are your parents.  On Christmas!  Our family grew that night in all directions.  We love her and are thinking of her.
We are grateful to be together with most of our immediate family this year.  We will get to be with Uncle Gary and Cousin Tony, Grandma P and Bahboo, Aunt Krispie, GG Hazel, Grandma LaJean.  That is happiness. 
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Brook said...

Merry Christmas! Glad you will be together as a big happy family :)