Saturday, December 18, 2010

An Awesome Autumn Alphabet Adventure [15 of 26] O is for Oh, Oh! Ho Ho has Suckers!

Dear Henny, 
Finally, I am to the letter O!  I have been slacking in the last week keeping the post flowing.  I don't think anyone has noticed so I will just pick things right back up where I left off.
Last weekend we took you to see Santa Claus at Greenwood Park Mall! That's right!  You saw Santa Claus.  My guess is that we were more excited than you were, until you saw the huge box of suckers.  You waved at Santa when we drew closer but you saw that sucker box and you may as well have said, "Santa Who?"  You twisted and pointed exclaiming, "SUCKERS! SUCKERS!"  Your turn came and you walked toward Santa and made a quick turn to his sucker box grabbing a yellow one just as Santa lifts you to his lap.  The only thing on your mind was that sucker!  With the long lines I tried to hurry you along.  You fumbled yellow sucker and I had to reach quickly for a red.  You were happy.  The photos the place took were bad, not even funny bad just bad, so we didn't buy them.  Mommy was happy that Santa allowed his visitors to take whatever photos they 
 wanted.  You can tell in Mommy's photos that you were really not that into it.  Daddy took video with his cell phone.  You were eating your sucker so you were happy and I got to fire off a couple of shots so I was happy.  Win, Win.  You recounted the experience later by saying, "Lap, Santa, sucker, bite it, eat it, drop it."

 O is for OH, OH! Suckers!  
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This pictures tells the story. Ha!