Friday, December 1, 2017

School Days, Drool Days

Dear Hazelita, 
Big days have passed in your life and I was buried under a ton of photography jobs and have neglected our blog, which is a theme of all the most recent, not truly so recent posts.  Part of the photography I have been doing was at a sweet little nursery school, pre school and kindergarten extravaganza place I have done for 3 years now.  Each year the amazing director has encouraged me to enroll you, and finally a day came when I had a couple of loose ends to tie up at the school and you came with me.  You were quickly embraced by the kids in the play yard.  I started chatting with the kindergarten teachers.  You played and giggled and played.  When the kids were called to snack you were hanging in the playhouse and a buddy came and invited you to come for snack, too.  You joined their table.  You declared, "I'm 5!" Which received a chorus of, "Hey! I'm 5!"  "Me, too!" "I was 5 in August!"  As we were leaving, the director stopped me, she had been seeing you in the play yard.  All it took was a side head tilt and a, "Lisa!" and I was making the plans to have you start school November 1st.  You did start school.  Full of nervous vibrations, sturdier by your relentless self confidence, your hugs goodbye were brief.  You have attended about 2.5 weeks and are in love. 

In love with signing in, saying hello to Ms. Robin the lady who floats around playing her harp, with the girls, with the boys, with bringing home crafts you made, with daddy coming in the talk about his wheelchair, with speedy steps to embrace me when I arrive for pick up.  I love that I only am giving up 3 hours with you each day.  Next year's full day is going to be tough for you, but I know you'll make it after having such a lovely introduction to school. 

You need extra cuddles and are exhausted, yelling at me far more than you ever have, begging for home and snugglin' the instant we get in the car.  It is bitter sweet times for me.  I knew all the little buds in your class so I knew you would be in great partnerships at school, but next year is ALL day.  I think I already mentioned that.  I am searching for my next thing to do, right now photography seems to be there for me each time I want to take it.  But, my days without cuddles are going to be colder, a little more lonely with more anticipation of picking up both my kiddos in the afternoon, perked to hear the day's happenings.  I am so proud of you. 
Love, Mama

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