FINALLY! We found the perfect weekend to go camping, which was one of our biggest summer goals appeared to slip away until the very last minute when the perfect weather presented itself on Labor Day weekend. We readied ourselves the night before and were ready to go by noon the next day. We went to Hardin Ridge and got the last open campsite available. Lucky us! You both were such a big help getting our gear out and set up. It took minutes to get the tent up with all of us helping each other. A couple of times your excitement became overwhelming and we had to get you guys to calm it down! Daddy and I put you on a hunt for any living things. Henny found a centipede, spiders, a butterfly, and I'm not sure all what else. I loved watching your intense work flow as you lost track of time. I asked later how long you thought you were doing your search. You said 5 minutes; it was more like an hour!
After the tent was secure we had to fill it with cozy sleeping bags, pillows and our air mattress. Daddy and I sat outside enjoying your giggles and playing around.
Daddy bought two lanterns, one for each of you, which caused great excitement running around in the woods near our campsite. While we had the plan to stay up until the wee hours 9 o'clock hit and that was it. A certain boy started asking about getting in the tent, and was it time for bed and can't we all go get into the tent. So we did.
The moment Daddy got on the air mattress Henny was passed out. Hazel on the other hand kept popping her head up and her eye searing lantern on until we allowed you up on our air mattress where you swiftly fell asleep with your elbow in my back.
After sleeping fairly peacefully we awoke to a beautiful morning. We got up and got our fire going quickly thanks to Henry's quick work of gathering sticks. I got the bacon ready and warmed some milk for some hot chocolate while you two, with Daddy's help, sucked up most of the whipped cream that was to float on the top of the hot chocolate. After our eggs and bacon Henny lined up some graham crackers and chocolate for S'Mores. We doubled the chocolate and the marshmallows to create the messiest goo we could. Delicious! and Perfection! Sadly it was time to pack up.
Henry, we were so impressed with your desire to jump in and take action. What a team we make! I give you all credit for packing up the tent tighter and more regimented than I ever had and it easily fit into its bag for the first time ever. Exhausted, we loaded the car and took the long way around the damn to come home. Looking into the back seat two lil camping buddies were sacked out, snoring and drooling, the brand of a proper sleep over. Stinky filthy babies. I was thinking about how it was a straight forward camp out...nothing glaringly significant happened, it will just become a hazy collection of images in a collective story you tell your children someday of vague camping memories that become a gauzy view of your family experiences. "When we went camping we made S'Mores and played with these cool lanterns my dad bought. It was my job to roll the tent up because I was so good at it. I remember not wanting to go to bed without Mom and Dad already in the tent because I was a little scared, though I knew I was safe. My Dad would give me challenges to keep my busy while my Mom was trying to get stuff set up. I liked how my Mom would make hot chocolate on the fire, it always burned the skin off of the roof of my mouth, but it still tasted good."
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