Dear Kidlets,
We are so happy to learn that Cousin Jonny will be attending school in Indiana this year! This makes the possibility for weekend sleepovers and nobody is happier than you, Henry. We picked him up from Uncle Gary's new my "new" 2004 mini van! (WEEEEEEE! SO EXCITED to have a reliable car again.) We ate lunch with Uncle Gary and then headed over to Conner Prairie for a couple of hours. My back was in pretty crappy shape today so I was when we found a house that didn't have any time period actors in it and Jonny sat down to teach you how to play checkers while I laid back on the bed.
Hazel, you stood in the doorway and waved at people going by. With your braids and calico dress, compliments of Great Aunt Linda's talents, passersby thought you were an actor at the park.
I heard a group of school kids go by and lots of awes ensued. Then, as we were visiting the house across the street and you played with the little girl reenactor a visitor came in and they were taking pictures of you playing with the little dolls, haha.
Honestly, it would be awesome to do that with you two one day. Judging by the way you can easily spend an hour in each house this could happen one day.
We made our way home with Jonny along and look forward to the fair tomorrow and Grandma P's and Bahboo's on Friday. I love you guys so much, my lil buddies.
Love, Mama
Dear Kidlets,
We were playing outside on a lazy Sunday. Henry, you decided to drag along the big wheel on a walk around the neighborhood. Hazel was being a snooty princess, protecting her purple bench, trying to avoid getting her picture taken.
Henry, you were super brave and started at the top of the big hill sidewalk and went all the way down with a terror, excited face emblazoned across your face as the big wheel bumped and popped along the elevated cracks in the sidewalk.
I love the picture of your exit strategy at the end of the hill...bliss and relief all at once. You made me do it once, and I did and got a big cramp in my old lady hip, but I think you thought it was cool I tried. Just another day of basic adventures, a game of Piranha, Farkle and some gutsy rides down the sidewalk.
Love, Mama
Dear Henny,
We loaded up the car back in May and went the small town over to celebrate one of your birthsib's bday at a great park. It was a really pretty day and so nice to share it with most of your maternal birth family. You had plenty of kids to run around and play with for hours on end. I was a little overwhelmed at times feeling so welcomed by so many, it felt great. It was a lot of fun figuring out how we were going to roast some hot dogs and eating JoJo's homemade cupcakes.
It was also close to JoJo's birthday and it was Birth Mother's Day, with Mother's Day following so I had taken you to the store to pick out a couple of gifts. We also made her a shrinky dink necklace like mine. She loved them! You were excited to give them to her.
Hazel enjoyed eating as many chips as she could and being near another lil guy, bossing him, only allowing him to have the chips she gave him. Silly girl.
We closed out the party playing in the rain. It is always hard for you to leave, but with the storms running in and it getting late we took off for home.
I loved that everyone was able to be together for Josiah's birthday. Family is nice to have, in the many ways it comes to us.
Love, Mama