Dear Hazel, We had a nice Easter visit with you birth mom, WW and birth grandma L. Unfortunately we had to meet at a old mall because the rain falling down just might have melted us by its sheer force! You waited at the window for them to get there, with bunny ears from our friend Heather. It
was still fun eating lunch and watching you play at the small play
space. You easily showed your excitement and gratitude for the cute
Easter basket they brought you. You had no problem charming us each out
of all of our pennies to throw into the fountain. You loved this!
They got a kick out of seeing you try on things at Claires...even ugly
hot dog sunglasses!
About this time it was clear you were running down,
letting me know that you were sleepy. So we said goodbyes and see ya
laters just in time for the sun to bust through and the rain to clear
up! The injustice!
I am hoping next time we can take advantage of the
pretty days and play at a park instead. Always happy to see family.
Love, Mama
Dear Funky Chickens, I know spring is here when I look to the side door and the two of you are sitting there together. Tonight that happened and I had to grab my camera. I wanted to try to get a picture of the two of you at the end of the sidewalk to compare to one I took just after you both picked up your first pair of glasses...but you, little lady, wouldn't cooperate. Henry was a champ trying to make it happen, but alas the funky chicken took over, and when you tired of that you wondered the driveway as a robot and then you screamed at birds. The bugs distracted you as well.
No amount of chocolate bribes could make it happen, but this is as close as I got...but I did snag this one inside the doorway.
Look at the two of you! Growing so quickly. You have so many people who love you and think of you. You are such beautiful kids. Beloved, funny, smart and a challenge. Love, Mama
Dear Dr. Hazel Thompson, Your services have been needed frequently lately. We call the doctor and you find Daddy's work key for a stethoscope and you find your plastic odescope and get to work checking Daddy out head to toe. The stethoscope makes its way down Daddy's chest and back. Typically you find he has a problem in his arm and gently take off his splint and rub lotion on his arm. You check his eyes and make your way to the ears to let him know that they are sick. You poke at it and all is well with Dr. Hazel taking over.
This is such a sweet and detailed interaction between you and Daddy. I had to capture it last night. Love, Mama
Dear Peep and Hazelita, Had a great time at friends yesterday...opening up creek season at the Twinks' house with an Easter Egg hunt. Fun times. Mama loved sending you all running across the yard. Eunice and Heather helped Hazel find a couple of eggs while I walked with the big kids, since I hid the eggs.
You started as a bunny cluster at the mail box and spread out from there.
After some of the treats were gobbled down and you all were done with bunny ears you naturally headed to the creek, looking for creatures to catch.
You did find a crayfish. It got lost after it nipped Hen's finger and unexpectedly learned what it was like to fly.
Hazey you took careful care to begin exploring out on your own in the creek water with continuous close falls and relieved recoveries. You both were very hungry for dinner and sleep took you quickly and Mama and Daddy got a good nights sleep as a result. I can't really explain the gratitude I have for our friends in our lives. I have loved seeing you all open quite a few creek seasons together. Here is to many more as your lives change next year when you all will be in school. Love, Mama