Friday, September 12, 2014

Birthday 2

Dear Hazelita, 
My sweet little funny ray of sunshine.  2 years old yesterday.  You got to have several modest birthday celebrations this year.  We started on Saturday when Bahboo, Grandma P, Grandma Jean and your aunts met up with us at Henry's school carnival.  Mommy was working at a booth so Daddy entertained while I set up bowling pins.  I could watch you from a distance enjoying playing on the playground with Grandma Jean and Henry hopping from game to game. 

After the carnival we went to Mother Bear's for pizza, one of your favorites.  You were SOOO SLEEPY, but you made it through dinner and some birthday cake.  

Grandma Jean gave you a cute little apron to wear in your play kitchen.  You told everyone thank you and passed out back at home.  On the 8th, your actual birthday you woke up chipper and happy.  We got you dressed and as we were leaving I asked you, "Hey, Who is the birthday girl!"  You threw your arm in the air and with a pointed finger you danced in a little circle.  So cute!  

 To start our day we drove to have lunch with WW, your birth mama.  It was a lot of fun and after you reluctantly shared your ice cream, by share I mean you gave us each a bite then screamed off any other spoon approaches, you did a fantastic gyrating dance for the restaurant to be hold.  

We decided to go together to check out the new Independent Adoption Center office and say hi to the ladies that supported us all through the process.  Before they even saw us they called out is that Hazel the birthday girl?!  I suppose they figured we might stop by if we were coming to visit WW, who lives up the street. 
After you ran around and checked out the pictures and grabbed some candy we took WW home. We said our good byes, complete with an, "Love you, Winnie," and then started home to meet Daddy and Hen for dinner and cake.  Daddy even left work early at Henry's request to go on a trip so he can choose you a gift.  He loves you so much.  He chose some doggie wrapping paper because he knows you love dogs and Kipper.   On Henry's insistence, you opened presents before we left.  You loved your giant magna doodle and set to create as soon as you finished playing with the squiggly light up ball Henry chose for you, which you held close through dinner.  

Your most exciting part of the day was blowing out candles and singing Happy Birthday.  

We had to do two takes because I sat the cake down and you blew out the candles before the, "HAAAAP," made it out of our mouths.  We had cake and it was time to end our long day of celebrations.  I can't wait for many more.  You are my sweet funny little baby lady with a loving sense of humor.  I look at you and wonder how I got to be so lucky to be your mama, to see you every morning with your wild wombat hair, to chase you through the library or cheer for you when you make it down the slide.  How do I get to be the one to hug you when you're upset?  It is an amazing feeling.  I love you so, I can't believe you're, "teeeweeeooo."
Love, Mama

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