Monday, May 26, 2014

Birthday Cake, Family and Playing

Dear Henny and Hazelita, 
A couple of weekends ago we had a special invite to Josiah's birthday, remember he is Henry's half birth bro. JoJo has been settled in her new house for a little bit and it was the perfect time for a visit and some cake.  For Josiah's present we got a little basket to keep all the different types of balls he asked for contained, a ball with suction cups all over it, another ball that lights up, bath tub color fizzies, a pair of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle socks, and a megaphone to talk to himself with...but the most special gift was that you made him some homemade play dough.  We arrived to a gaggle of kids waiting to say hello and JoJo running out of the house, whom I embraced and we got teary eyed together.  
It had been a few months since we had last seen them.  Hazel played with Jo, trying to share her snacks but really working her way into Jdad's G's the time we left she had him holding balloons for him and blew him kisses.
Jmom was there, too.  
I think she was excited to have us all there.  So glad to get to visit with her and watch you play outside with the kids, including your two older half birth siblings and a birth cousin cutie.  We had cake and some ice cream and enjoyed giggling over Jo getting cake ALL OVER.  
I am so glad we were able to go and share in Jo's big day!  You both had a sensational time!  
So grateful for good friendship and family.  Love, Mama

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