Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Legos Past and Present

Dear Peep, 
We had a great morning!  We woke up earlier than usual.  Daddy was off work and sleeping in so you and I made our way into the living room.  We pulled out the Legos and discussed what we might build.  You decided we should build a fort of some kind, which transitioned into an animal study center complete with camera manned outlooks and a system of allowing well behaved animals to enter the gates and a top notch wind powered data collection system.  You decided that we must not ever put out the red flag, as that means to kill the animals on sight, not something you wanted to do under any circumstances.  It was fun and about of an half hour in remnants of my 8 year old self playing Legos all day with Uncle Gary and my cousin Rick were inching in. As a kid we had a lot of building pieces and all the special pieces we assigned values to to be bartered and exchanged for better building pieces.  What I found today was a major stock pile of all the special pieces we would have appraised at top value.  A treasure chest of little clear colored pieces, swivels, big wheels, antenna, satalites, computer components and walkie talkies; all major scores.  

Grandma P did great finding this batch for you at a garage sale.  Now, we need to bolster the building parts if we are going to play Legos for an hour plus with more frequency.  I loved working with you and your high level of creativity connected with solving the problems one might encounter in the real world.  After we finished our project Daddy awoke and you had to show him.  He was equally impressed with our architecture and concept for animals.  You also asked me to take a photo of you with it to post on Facebook.  Yikes!  Your world is sure different than mine was growing up. 
You're quite a Lego buddy.  I'm the luckiest mom ever.
Love, Mama

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