We have loved the years growing up with your buddies who were adopted by their families within the year that you came to us. We have so appreciated our at least once a week play dates and the first super warm Wednesday of spring has brought us the best play date two years in a row. This week we went to Olcott park and by the time you all grew tired of the playground we hiked back on a short trail jumping in at a little creek with shallow flowing water. Etienne fell in first and the moms braced to see if this was going to be a good thing and he popped up laughing only to "slip" again. After this point it was on.
You all splashed, explored and laughed big belly laughs. You looked for fossils in the rocks bringing me crinoid stems and shells embedded in rocks, and a geode that had you exclaiming, "I found some rollie pollies and lobster!" It wasn't a lobster but it was a miniature crayfish swimming inside the geode.
Hazel decided the small hike would be a great time to try and ditch her glasses and Heather was our hero searching the trail back to the parking lot looking for your little pinkies. You played on the blanket happily watching the kids splash, though I'm not sure you could really see them.
Love, Mama
A side note, Keeg's parents, Eunice and Matt, are up and waiting to adopt their second child through the IAC in an open adoption. They are great parents with a wonderful extended family. Check out their profile: http://www.iheartadoption.org/users/donovan