Sunday, November 13, 2011

Move Over Little John Deere, Grandpa Tim Bought a New Tractor

Dear Peep, 
Grandpa Tim was on his fall visit and to your delight he bought a new giant John Deere tractor.
Loaded with attachments like a scoop and a bush hog.  You were a little intimidated at first but cozied into the seat on Grandpa's lap just fine.  As the light fell we had a little fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  

On another night, with a full moon shining Grandpa Tim brought out his telescope and you took a glimpse.  
You exclaimed, "It is bigger! The moon is big."  Yes! The moon is bigger in a telescope Hen, that's the idea.  So glad that you get so many new experiences so young.
Love, Mama

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