Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Daddy Cheeky Robot and Little Baby Cheeky Robot

Dear Little Baby Cheeky Robot, eh, eh I mean Henry, 
For about three months we've seeing signs that you've been missing Daddy terribly when he is at work.  It started with rejecting Daddy some and then it went to rejecting me once Daddy arrived home.  You stopped wanting Mama to sit in the room with you at bed time and you begged for Daddy.  You were asking to go see Daddy during the day.  If one of his forks is left in the sink you suggest that we take it over to him.  If you find a pencil you fear he forgot it.  You tell me you want him to just come on home from work early.  You bring him drinks of water and hold the straw pinched between your little fingers of one hand and the cup with the other hand so it is easier for him to take a drink.  You enjoy going outside and playing catch with him or batting at the ball with him.  You throw your arm around your best bud's neck as you ride on his arm rest.  
When he arrives home you run to him and stay by his side all night long,  only allowing him to read stories or watch Kipper with you at night.  You beg to "sleep in our room on a pallet."  Today you insisted on napping in our bed on Daddy's side.  Dinners are starting to only be successful if Daddy feeds you like a backhoe or a race car.  One night you went as far as begging him to sit next to your bed as you fell asleep while keeping your feet on his chair so he couldn't leave the room!  I had to come and put you up on the bed so he could go to bed too!  Every evening when Daddy arrives home he brings you M&M's on his lap.  You pick each one up and tell him the color then crunch it in your mouth.  If any of this ritual deviates he is not happy.  For so long Daddy thought you liked this routine because of the candy. 
It is clear the candy is a bonus but is the time connecting with Daddy everyday you are really seeking.  We've been working on ways for you to express your emotions lately.  Since we've made a concerted effort you've cut down on saying, "I don't love you Mommy!" and have started saying, "I am mad because I didn't want you to move me away from the hamper, I was hiding in there from Daddy."  
All this work came in handy this week when you told Daddy a story about what you wanted him to tell you a story about.  As you laid down for bed and begged for a story Daddy asked if you, "What do you want a story about."  You replied, "I want a story about Big Daddy Cheeky Robot and Little Baby Cheeky Robot and how Little Baby Cheeky Robot sometimes cries and is sad when Big Daddy Cheeky Robot goes to work."  Daddy and I melted.  Daddy asked, "Does Big Daddy Cheeky Robot come home?"  You said, "Yes, but he wants him to just stay home with him."  I love Daddy too, so I really understand missing him during the day.   He does always come home.
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Doug said...

What a wonderful story! I like how much you work with him to help him understand and express things.