Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Touch a Truck

Dear Peepsie, 
If ever there was an event made for you it was Touch a Truck.  For a buck all afternoon you can walk around a parking lot and touch, ride, inspect, push on and climb on all different varieties of vehicles.  Cement mixers, city bus, school bus, garbage truck, bookmobile, helicopter, pipe declogger truck, ambulance, fire truck, bucket truck and many others.  We met Megan and Devo there to romp around the vehicles together.  You loved it and it wore you out.  You and Devo loved sitting in the bus and the ambulance the most.  We enjoyed seeing your reactions.  By the time we made it to the fire truck you laid on the ground in front of it ready for a nap.  We went home and you passed out for several hours and on waking you couldn't stop talking about it.  The next day you woke up to ask to return to Touch a Truck.  I can't wait until the next one!  I really appreciate inexpensive summer fun!
Love, Mama 

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