Tonight your two cousins Jonny (5) and Tony (15) are staying over. You are so excited that they are hanging out for a couple of days. The first hour we were home you ran around the house chasing Jonny while yelling his name. Little by little however, I saw little signs from you today that you needed Mama a little more after some attention competition crept into your territory. You needed Mama to get you up from your nap. You threw a major out of the blue fit at dinner and ...drum roll please!....YOU CLIMBED OUT OF YOUR CRIB FOR THE FIRST TIME! Your bed time routine has been a snap since about 5 weeks. We do our thing, you lay down, cuddle your blankets and you go to sleep. Tonight, with Jonny asleep next to your crib in the big boy bed you apparently felt restless. Mommy, Daddy and cousin Tony were in the basement watching a movie when about 20 minutes after we put you down I hear feet pattering....bam, bam, bam, bam down the stairs. I don't see Jonny's head as he comes into the basement room. Huh? Then I see a bright shiny face smiling at me quite proud of himself and it is Henry! What the heck. I ask you if Jonny got you out of your crib. "He's upstairs." Ok, so how did you get down here? I go upstairs looking for Jonny only to find him asleep in your big boy bed sawin' logs. Mama gives you an incredulous look! What!?! You got out of bed yourself and came all the way down stairs on your own?! What the hell am I supposed to do now? I put you back to bed and for 15 consecutive times you get your buns right back out and are at my heals before I can even walk to the living room. Finally, I try the Super Nanny method of sitting quietly in the room and inching my way out. It worked! But what is going to happen tomorrow night? I started to think about why it happened tonight. I thought about your previous unusual outbursts and thought perhaps you were having an escape response. You were worrying about Jonny sleepin' in your bed and the attention the other two boys may be getting so you needed that extra attention and this was enough motivation to get ya out. Whatever the reason I am a little freaked out not knowing what the next few weeks will bring. Plus, there is a little burning spot in my heart between the place my baby used to hold and the place this new big boy is to inhabit. You won't stop growing and learning so I had better get used to it. We love you peep.
Love, Mama