Monday, August 10, 2015

1st of 1st

Hey there 1st grader,  
Today was your first day of 1st grade!  The week before you were all over the place in your behavior; talking back, laughing, challenging, testing, having fun, working so hard at swim lessons, resistant, loving and SO EXCITED to start school again.  No chalkboard markers for the start of the year for you.  You had to create your own sign.  We picked out the pieces and placed them together.  
I didn't even ask you to get it this morning as you readied yourself in the speedy way a race car reaches its finish line.  We got your pictures and you wanted to include Hazel, who was less than excited to be up a bit earlier than in the past 8 weeks.  
We loaded up all of your supplies and pulled up with time to spare.  We all unloaded the car and entered a very excited classroom of kids and teachers entering the 1/2 classroom.  
Greeted by Ms. Alana, experiencing growing pains of her own as she leaves her newborn son to return to work...and I am so grateful she is and is teamed up by Ms. Em who will be a team full of care, concern and enthusiasm with no tricks getting past them you sure to have a sensational year.  
You played with a crew of old buds making dinosaurs attack pigs and then tossing them aside, and you had no concerns allowing little sis sit in and have a go at it took.  As we were leaving at the last chime moms and dads were standing to the side waiting to detach and leave our babies to start their newest acquisitions of knowledge, friends and experiences.  
Mommy Brook, Lily's mama, left and we caught eyes...and forever we know our stories of becoming families and forever we share the honor of being the mamas and papas to be able to see you off through your firsts, our eye catch pulled out some tears of gratitude and honor to be there in this moment.  You and Lily are next to each other in your circle spots.  
It seems like yesterday we were bringing you home.  We know you are going to have a wonderful year.  I can't wait to see you when you get home!
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has just arrived, way too soon, just as our Tony Gary and Lisa's first day of school. I wasn't ready for that and I'm not ready for this. I know that Henry is, oh so ready, for it. He is so eager to learn and has so much to offer. He will create and have some great stories to tell. I love them, so much!