Thursday, October 2, 2014

School Rules

Your selfie
Dear Bust, 
You're lovin' school.  You are at an awesome charter school that is the right place for you.  You really love the routines and rituals of the classroom, the chime to switch activities, partners passions, individual passions, station rotations, and so on.  You've had some awesome opportunities in the school already aside from classroom days; a field day at a teacher's farm where you slipped and slidded around, pet horses and went on an intense hike in the woods which left you hot, muddy and wet...perfect!  

A couple of days later you had a great time at the school carnival fundraiser where you and Grandma P won the cupcakes I made in the cake walk.  From what I hear you wanted to win so badly Grandma P, Bahboo, Kristen, and Grandma LaJean all participated in the effort.  We had your first goal setting meeting a week or so ago.  

The teachers said you've done a great job of making lots of friends, volunteering and being inquisitive but could you leave the fart noises at home...I guess teaching you arm pit farts this summer wasn't the best idea but your new little friends I was speaking about helped you take it to a new level with lots of other ways.  You have already made a lot of leaps in your maturity (excuse the farts).  You are counting, predicting and writing your numbers...AND you've started to read! You've added 40 new sight words in the mix and are starting to decode.  We are working on writing letters and words every night and even came up with some awesome words to pictures.  

I love seeing you grow up.  The little things like giving you the responsibility of running into the gas station to get Daddy M&M's while I stand outside the're bursting with the excitement of the trust and freedom it gives you.  When I pick you up from school and you've missed me but would love an other couple of hours to play with the other kids, I feel so happy for you.   When you sit down with Hazel and read your book of the night with her, I feel so proud of you.  You are amazing and you've now lost three teeth.  There is still so much more to come, after the gas station freedom is routine and you're insisting and bucking for more freedom and trust along the way I will still be here, you will just need me less.  I still like being that person that has to do squeezin' means lovin' at night...though someday that will be finished too, just as the free kisses you once gave and insisted you always would became gross about a month ago. I will always be here.  Love, Mama

1 comment:

LaJean said...


Your boy will always need your kisses - I guarantee it, because MY boy still needs MY kisses and he's 40!!