Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Let's Find Some Make Believe

Dear Hazelita, 
Our suspicions that you have a keen mind, imagination and sense of humor was confirmed last night.  As we were readying ourselves for bed you were standing in your pack'n'play.  Recently, I started trying out some ocean sounds to help you fall asleep quickly.  It seems to be doing the trick, but last night we waited to put you to bed until we were all ready.  You stood and started making motions with your arms and trying SOOOO hard to say words.  Usually these attempts are you trying to charm us into giving you some light night food or a simple drink of water.  This was different....and we soon realized you were SWIMMING in the imaginary ocean along with the ocean sounds.  
I asked you, "Honey, are you at the beach?  
You replied, "I swimmin'"  !  !  !  
I said, "Is Henry there?" 
While signing sleepy you said, "Henny sleepin'."
We were amazed!  You did doggie paddles and jumps into the water and big arm strokes "like Henny" all on your own. 
You told us you were at the beach.  I hadn't said anything about the sounds.  You and your sharp brain picked up on it quickly and drew into a fun little fantasy.  It was such an unexpected sweet moment.  You bring so much sunshine and fun into our lives.  You're light and loving, except when you're watching Kipper.  

Lord! Don't talk to you while you're watching Kipper, you scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  No, My DOG!"    
Being a dog.
I didn't want to forget this one. 
Love, Mama

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