Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Dear Peep, 
At our weekly library visits you've been very interested in trying to work the computers for some time.  You have had a hard time listening to instructions on how to use a mouse or how to work a game, until now!  I figured out that there is a giant bookshelf with hundreds of computer games just waiting to be played.  I chose a Caillou game and Curious George game for phonics and the alphabet.  You listened intently as I explained the roller ball mouse, how to click and helped you understand a couple of words on the screen.  
YOU DID GREAT! and clearly felt proud of yourself.  You enjoyed the games and experiencing success, and learned a few things. I love that!  You spent about 20 minutes and then HAD to show Daddy what you know about using a computer.  He came in to give you lots of praise and cheers.  It is awesome to see you learning. 
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Brook said...

Way to go Henry! Have you checked out There are tons of fun computer games for kids. Lily's faves are The Super Why cake maker game and the Scrub a Pup game with Martha Speaks. So fun!