Wednesday, March 31, 2010

All the Sweetness a Boy could Buy!

Dear Henry, 
A few weeks ago we received a rather sweet invitation from our good friends Mason, Samantha, Max and Ruby to attend the Salem, Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival.  You know how we love cheap, fun, and small towns (as previously mentioned).  We were there!  It was a nice trek out to Avon from Bloomington and a beautiful ride the entire way.  
There are many Amish homes out that way so we saw buggies, horses and lots of rolling farm land.  Following our directions we are led down a gravel road out in the middle of Who-Knows-Where, as it lacks the traditional markers like buildings and such.  We crested over a hill and saw a giant parking area full of cars, at last we'd arrived!  We parked and found our friends.  It was time to get down to business and eat!  There were so many choices we had a really hard time but settled comfortably into a waffle boat covered
 in whipped cream, blueberries, strawberries and maple syrup with two sausage patties playing back up to the side.  We sat down to see Samantha got the best looking bbq chicken we'd ever laid our eyes on and ended up buying some to take home to eat later.  You loved all of it!  You had some waffle boat and Sam shared her chicken with you.  After we were stuffed with food we started to walk around the event.  They had hatchet throwing, candle making, horses, games, a Native American display on how they made maple syrup in the past, booths with junk for sale, popcorn, and maple flavored cotton candy.  You loved the horses, just keeping your distance enough that the big horses head couldn't make it through the fence for a lick of Henry.  We bought a convalescing Crappaw a big thing of kettle popcorn to enjoy in bed. 
You had a maple sugar cookie and acted like a true gentleman, sharing it with Daddy.  The llama you were not so interested in with his long neck but the sheep you didn't hesitate to pat gently.  
We had a great time and it was a really fun family day. You were so tired on the drive home.  We sat your little xylophone piano on your lap that you like to play with in the car.  At first we would hear "tink, tink, tink" loud and fast.  As you grew more sleepy in the winding roads the spaces between strikes increased until there were no more.  Every so often when your hand would jerk up you would make a loud TINK making Daddy and Mommy laugh to each other.   It is an honor to have these moments with you and there isn't a moment that we misplace our gratitude to be able to have them, thanks to J for putting the faith in us.
 Love, Mommy   


Brook said...

Wow! That looks like a ton of fun! I love those kind of festivals. Seems like they are few and far between these days. So, I'm assuming this was not Avon Indiana, correct? Was it in Ohio?

Brook said...

I just Googled it and saw that it is in Salem, IN.

I grew up just outside of Avon, and I was trying to figure out how I had never heard of it. Plus, there aren't really any hills in Avon, so that threw me for a loop! :)

Lisa T. said...

DEr! You're right, I meant to say Salem.
I will change it right away.