Monday, February 8, 2010

Robot Friends and Birthday Grandma's

Dear Henry, 
Grandma P's birthday was this week so we went to Columbus to take her to lunch and to help her clean up the house for visitors.  Even though it was Grandma P's birthday they had a gift waiting for you on your arrival.  We walked into the living room and there it sat!  A Fisher Price Kinderbot.  They found it at a flea market and had to get it.  To Crappaw's dismay it didn't work when he put batteries into its back.  This didn't stop your excitement.  The moment you saw it you went a little bananas.  Crappaw, being the Mr. Fix It that he is tinkered with the connectors and bam! Kinderbot started talking to you requesting you push a button to select from one of his many games.  Grandma P and Crappaw were way excited to see your excitement.  When you get older you're really going to love all of the activities and games you can do with him, for now you likes shaking his hand, watching him move and squawking at him.  
 Before we left Grandma P snuggled with you for a quick birthday snap shot.  Then you spotted Crappaw's dog, Roxy and went running after him.  Crappaw kept a tight hold on her because she can get wild but you wanted to give her lovin's so badly.  You really love dogs.
So cute!  Always happy to spend time with my mom and dad, your Grandma P and Crappaw and our son!  Here's to many more groundhog days with Grandma P.
Love, Mommy

1 comment:

monica said...

Oh that Kinderbot is precious, fabulous find!! He is cute, cute, cute. I love your robot fetish!! Cole is super obsessed with his Elmo Live and laughs out loud at him, shakes his head do wop style when Elmo sings and looks at us, then back at Elmo... kind of the "do you believe this guy is HERE" look. He puts his hand in talking Elmo's mouth and then just cackles. It's hilarious. Wish we lived closer!!